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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2014 Reading Challenge - Who Wants to Join?

Okay 2013 was a year of ups and downs.   I finally left my husband when I had to move back home to take care of my parents.  I will post more about that soon.  My ex was less than willing to help me help them.  In fact while my mother was in the hospital for a major head injury he on impulse traveled to Canada to watch the Canadian Football Grey Cup (Their Super Bowl equivalent).

Somehow in all that happened last year I read 60 books (almost 61 but I don't think I will finish it before midnight).  My goal for next year is 75.  With that goal and within it I am making a second goal.  I am also participating in a 2014 Witches & Witchcraft reading challenge and have decided that among my 75 books I will read 20 Witchy books, books that feature a witch as the main character or major witchcraft elements in it.  That is the Crone level, which is appropriate as I have been feeling very cronish lately.  Is cronish a word?  Well, it is now!

Below is a button that will tell you more about the challenge.  My first book that I finish in 2014 is a Circle of Three book by Isobel Bird called So Mote it Be.   It is the first book of a series of 13 books about three students who are interested in the craft and an amazing store and coven that takes them in.  Oh how I wish I knew a store like this when I was their age.

2014 Witches & Witchcraft Reading Challenge