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The Chronicles of Pern: First Fall

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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I Have Lit a Candle

I had a neighbor once that I just did not get along with. Oh I tried and we were like oil and water. Well, right now she is going through something horrible and I wish I could reach out to her and help her through it. I am afraid to reach out to her, it can go so wrong. So I stay back and know that what she is going through right now is something I don't think I could handle.

I light a candle for her and her family tonight knowing she will probably never know I did this. You may not know who she is, but please send out as much positive energy you can to her, it will find her. We may have not gotten along when we were neighbors, and I am pretty sure we still don't but she is still human, a wife and mother and needs all the support she can get right now for her and her family.

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