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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Rainbow Pancakes

This is the day before payday and our pantry is looking a bit bare. The kids want chinese or pizza for dinner, subs or wings is another thing they ask for. Sorry we can't get that today, and the kids looked so sad. You're no fun they tell us and go out to play. So now I am on a mission, make a fun Thursday meal that the kids will actually eat.

I see a box of chocolate chip pancake mix and I momentarily ponder how this has lasted so long in our house. I bought it a while ago and pushed it to the side of the cabinet. I guess that is a good hiding place.
Then I remember how a long time ago I made blue pancakes for P, when we read a book called "No Blue Food". P loved eating the blue pancakes and I just bought some food color this last week for B's birthday party.

So I made rainbow pancakes. Of course B wanted pink pancakes and P decided on blue, I made green for me and daddy was boring, he didn't want any color. He just wanted ordinary pancakes. I can't remember a time when both kids ate all their food and asked for seconds. I did end up making some black pancakes at the end when I mixed all three colors together. They tasted pretty good too.

Things to remember when making rainbow chocolate chip pancakes

1. The chocolate chips hide at the bottom of the bowl and need to be encouraged to be in every pancake.

2. Hide the pancake plate with made pancakes on it or they will mysteriously disappear. Coincidently the children will get mystery chocolate streaks on their face. Spooooooky!!!!

3. Pink pancakes seem to disappear the fastest.

3. Don't try to get grumpy boring dads to add color to their pancakes, they can get quite loud.

4. Make extra, you will need them.

Dinner is over and I managed to save one dollar this week to buy fudge swirled ice cream for snack tonight. For a Thursday the day turned out okay, though there are still a few hours left.

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