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Monday, June 29, 2009

Starting to Work Through Our Differences


Last year on the day that P's soccer photos were taken my husband and I had a horrible fight. I wanted a couple different photos and he didn't want any of them. There was no compromise offered and we at each other's throats. It was such a bad fight that I cringed when the photo packages sheets were passed out for soccer photos this year.

With D being out of work and two children on the soccer team I was sure there would be a repeat of last year. Somehow we managed to avoid that scenario from happening. We still didn't totally agree on what we wanted to order. We managed to talk it out civilly and each one of us gave a little.

I think that is why it turned out okay this year. No ultimatum was shoved at either one of us. He didn't want two pennants purchased, I didn't want no pennants to be ordered so we decided on one hoping that B (who really doesn't seem that into a team pennant) will not freak out.

Instead of individual photos and sports card for each child I compromised and only ordered the sports cards. He didn't freak out when he found out I wrote two checks instead of one. I was real impressed with that one. I know he has a hard time with multiple transactions to keep track of.

The photo's were taken, no arguing, it was very nice. I can only hope that somehow out of all our problems something is changing and we are starting to work through our differences. Hopefully we can go back to being a happy married couple again someday. I can have dreams, right?

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