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Friday, May 22, 2009

Three Weeks of Excellent Behavior

There he goes

My son walked out of school today and I could tell he was looking for me. As soon as he saw me he ran up to me gave me a huge hug. He then announced that he had a green day, and three full green weeks at school. Since he started to take his meds his behavior has been amazing.

The difference has been so noticeable that the principal has even noticed and teachers from other grades have also. There have been other differences as well. I can read his handwriting again. He also is coloring much neater. I see that he stays within the lines and is taking time to pick put colors that complement the picture that he is coloring.

The hard part is coming up. His teacher is recommending that he take summer classes in reading and writing. He missed a lot this year when he wasn't on his meds and his work was sloppy and done so quickly that he probably didn't get much out of it. The class is optional and he really doesn't want to do it.

I want him to do it for the same reasons his teacher wants him too. I don't know which way his daddy will vote on this subject. It is summer and I know he will want to be out and have fun, but it is just the mornings. The afternoons would be for fun, hopefully in the sun.

He also will have to miss a few days near the end of the course because we will be camping. I would imagine that we are not the only family with summer plans that might have children in the program. I know when I had to take summer school there were times that students couldn't be there because of pre-planned vacations.

Hopefully the combination of the meds and summer school if he goes will allow him to catch up with his class so next year when he starts school it will be a more even playing field. Hopefully next year I will not worry as much when school begins. I see that he can be a good student. I have seen that he knows how to behave in school. When he is given the chance with his meds he is a well mannered well behaved little boy. His three weeks of green days has shown me that I have been doing a good job as a mommy too.

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