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Friday, May 1, 2009

Someone He Can Talk to I Hope

Through out this up and down marriage lately I have found the value of talking to other people. I write about things in this blog and have been more open with my family and friends than I ever have. It took a lot of preparation to tell my mom that I was having marriage problems. Once I told her I found out she knew just from watching us. I guess we didn't hide it as well as I thought I was.

The more people I talk to the more I understand the value of friends and family. It was always hard for me to open up to friends as I was growing up and now I just can't stop. I really think if people I went to high school with could see me now they wouldn't believe I was the same person.

So with all the trouble we are having I firmly believe he can't keep all of this bottled in. I really wanted him to see a therapist but I don't think I can win that battle. Marriage has to have some give and take to it. I firmly believe he does need someone to talk to and I told him if he doesn't find someone to talk too that I would see if I could.

I think I did. I clued someone close to him into what has been happening and this person has reached out to him. I can only hope it will lead to him having someone to talk to. I am not expecting a miracle I just know what we have been doing was not working.

I have said If this marriage ends I will not go down without a fight. I have always thought that it is just to easy to get a divorce. If I get divorced I don't want to have doubts that I could have done something different. I want to know I did everything I could to save my marriage.

1 comment:

  1. Cudo's Laura. It's worth fighting for. Regret is an awful awful feeling. You are doing the right thing. You've influenced me in a great positive way! Thanks for that.
