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Saturday, April 4, 2009

After the Walk

One thing our children love is a flashlight walk. They really wanted to go on a flashlight walk with daddy. It gave me few minutes in calmness. I should have known better. Much too soon the door opens and I hear crying. My son runs down the hallway in tears and then I hear him swearing and telling me sarcastically "Great idea, a flashlight walk, how stupid!!! All he did was complain that his sister was doing something he wanted to do".

OMG!!! I would think a father could keep the peace for a simple flashlight walk. A calm voice is the best but I know he has a hard time using a calm voice. It is like being a parent to three children. He has temper tantrum that effect the whole family. Then we end up fighting because I am so frustrated. Why can't he act like an adult? Worse why do I let myself get sucked in.

That is why I am usually in a separate room from him in the house. I stay away. I don't feel like a wife. I feel like I am a mother to a spoiled brat who has check on what he says and doesn't get that you don't call people names. It effects them. I would think he should understand that our son has a disability. He cry's more than expected. He needs to feel safe and comforted.

I should not have to be the only parent in this house, I feel like I am the only adult. Its hard to do this alone, especially when your partner is the one making it so hard.

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