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Friday, April 10, 2009

The Easter Bunny is Hopping Down the Bunny Trail

Because our religions are different My husband and I made an agreement to raise the children Roman Catholic. I always make sure at Easter that they understand it is a religious holiday as well as a welcome to spring celebration too. I believe that there is room for the Easter Bunny and Religion this time of year.

I always get the kids too much for Easter. I hardly give them any candy so I make up for it with toys. I go to the Dollar Tree and I just keep adding things into the cart. That is a dangerous store. While I am wandering the store I saw bible story books, in the cart they went. Then, I kid you no, I found Bible figurines. You know like McDonald's Happy Meal toys but religious. They had Mary David, Goliath, Noah and Moses. They had sold out of Jesus. I even found Bible coloring books and Word puzzles.

Now I had bought more than would fit in their easter baskets. This year I bought small baskets. Why? I have no idea. I do this every year so one would think I would learn and get bigger baskets. I found sprig colored tote bags and knew they would be perfect for the overflow. I can hang them on the kids door handles and then hide their Easter Baskets with the eggs outside.

My Easter compulsion doesn't end there. Wait until I tell you about the egg hunt. This is the first time in three years that we can hide the eggs outside.
I have more eggs than that now and plan on hiding them all. The magic of "the Easter Bunny" will soon wear off and they will outgrow the egg hunt. So while I can I make sure it will be memorable.

The last time we had the hunt outside my daughter was just a toddler.
The basket was too wide and all the eggs she put in her basket fell out onto the grass again. Photobucket
Of course my son took advantage of that and would follow her to pick up her fallen eggs. When she looked into her basket you could see the puzzled look on her face. What had happened to her eggs? She knew that she should have had more than the few she saw. Of course we divided the eggs up more evenly once the hunt was over. I still remember the look on her face though. I hope this year will be better for her. I have more eggs to scatter around the yard. I even have giant plastic jelly beans to hide this year. This is one of my favorite things to do every year.

I have such fond memories of hunting for eggs as I grew up. Of course they were real eggs then and we always seemed to miss an egg or two. Worse was when my parents forgot where they hid the eggs. We eventually found them by using our noses. YUCK!!! SO to avoid that I use the plastic eggs mostly and we hide only a few real eggs.

The eggs are filled with candy, toys and money. I will hide them tomorrow night, The baskets too. This will be the first year they have to look for their baskets. I am looking forward to this Easter. My son is growing up and I don't know how many more Easter's are left with him believing in the Easter Bunny.

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